
Terms of use of the order – sales website of the company ANTISEL

A. SELIDIS BROS S.A of SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT with distinctive title “ANTISEL” created the website www.ANTISEL.gr in order to offer information and services to users about products and services it provides, its wider activity, its stores, its collaborations, etc.

The main concern of the company is the disclosure of the terms that govern the operation of the website www.ANTISEL.gr, in order to inform the visitors of the website, to enlighten them about their rights and obligations and to provide the best possible service during search, order and purchase of products.

ANTISEL as the owner of the relevant website www.ANTISEL.gr, offers its content under the following terms of use (hereinafter Terms of Use), which visitors / users are invited to read carefully and to visit / use the pages and / or its services only if they fully accept them. The use of the website www.ANTISEL.gr, implies the automatic acceptance of these Terms, as they apply each time.


1. Content of the Website – Provider Responsibility – Transaction Security

1.1. The name, the badge, the mark, the images, the graphics, the insignia, as well as all the content, information, electronic files, services and everything else contained in the website www.antisel.gr belong exclusively to ANTISEL or are used by it after obtaining a relevant license from the beneficiary and are its protected intellectual property. Trademarks, names, or other intellectual property rights of third parties, displayed on the website www.ANTISEL.gr are also protected in accordance with applicable law.

1.2. The visitor / user is expressly prohibited from exploiting, copying, reproducing, disseminating, republishing, distributing, or transmitting or in any way using the content and services of this website, other than the uses expressly defined on this website, without the prior written permission of ANTISEL. Exceptionally, the individual copying and printing of web pages and their content is allowed, provided that they will not be altered in any way, and only if they are intended for personal information use by the visitor / user of the website

1.3. The visitor / user is expressly prohibited from exploiting, copying, reproducing, disseminating, republishing, distributing, or transmitting or in any way using the content and services of this website, other than the uses expressly defined on this website, without the prior written permission of ANTISEL. Exceptionally, the individual copying and printing of web pages and their content is allowed, provided that they will not be altered in any way, and only if they are intended for personal information use by the visitor / user of the website.

1.4. The content contained on this website includes valid, up-to-date and legal information. ANTISEL makes every effort to ensure that the information and in general the content available through the website www.ANTISEL.gr is accurate and clear. In any case, ANTISEL does not bear any responsibility towards the visitor / user of the website www.ANTISEL.gr for any damage that may have been caused to him due to non-updating of the information provided through it.

1.5. The website may refer through “links”, hyperlinks, etc. on other websites, the providers of which have full responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content of their own websites. Users should be aware of the terms of use of the specific websites and if they agree with them to accept them. In any case, ANTISEL does not bear any responsibility towards the users for their use of the websites of third parties simply from their promotion through the website www.ANTISEL.gr.

1.6. ANTISEL is not responsible for any type of damage that may occur to a user / visitor of the website www.ANTISEL.gr or a third party due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or in weakness provision of services and / or information available through it and / or services and / or information available through it.

1.7. ANTISEL guarantees the security of your transactions on the website. All user data (personal information, addresses, credit card numbers) is encrypted using SSL protocol, ie with the strongest existing encryption at 128bit, to fully ensure their integrity and confidentiality when entering or modifying them.

1.8. ANTISEL will in no case ask you for credit card details by e-mail or send you an e-mail asking you to go to the website and enter the card details. If there is a problem with your order, we will call you or ask you to call us at 2310322525. Under no circumstances should you disclose your credit card details via e-mail or reply to e-mails asking you to visit a website to enter your card details. When using a credit card, the card details are not stored anywhere, but are only used during checking and debiting. In addition, the information entered by the customer on the ANTISEL website is not disclosed to the bank.


2. Obligations of Visitors / Users

2.1. The visitors / users of this website must comply with the applicable rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and make lawful and appropriate use of the website www.ANTISEL.gr in compliance with these Terms of Use. The user / visitor is obliged to refrain from any illegal, contrary to transactional ethics, unfair and abusive use of the content and services of this website.

2.2. In particular but not restrictively, any act that is contrary to the law or may harm ANTISEL and / or third parties is expressly prohibited, as indicative and not restrictive:

2.2.1. the intervention on the website www.ANTISEL.gr in order to deceive any third party as to the origin of its content with the ultimate purpose of causing damage to the image and reputation of ANTISEL or endangering the security of transactions or blocking free access to the website in question,

2.2.2. the distortion of information contained in products and / or services as well as the publication of unsubstantiated and duly substantiated information, etc. aimed at misleading the consumer public, the direct or indirect influence of their behavior as well as the harm of ANTISEL and its products and / or services,

2.2.3. the installation and / or promotion, in any way, of any kind of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or unsolicited emails (spam), chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other form of content promotion as well as the installation of advertising messages without the ANTISEL,

2.2.4. the installation of code, program files that can in any way cause malfunctions on the website www.ANTISEL.gr or that may prevent its use by third parties,

2.2.5. the challenge, through the use of the damage website to any third party in any way.

2.3. Users are not entitled to disclose inside information and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of the transaction or covered by confidentiality agreements, or information that infringes any patent, trademark or secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights. Furthermore, users, visiting the Company’s website, are not allowed to harass third parties in any way and content, or use the website to collect or store users’ personal data.

2.4. Any damage caused to the present website and to ANTISEL or to the network in general, by illegal, bad and in violation of these Terms of Use of the website www.ANTISEL.gr and its pages and / or services by a visitor / user, weighs exclusively on the latter, and ANTISEL reserves the right to exercise all its legal rights to defend and safeguard its interests and the offender is obliged to repair any damage to ANTISEL.


3. Content Provision and Availability

3.1. ANTISEL makes every effort for the maintenance and availability of the website www.ANTISEL.gr. However, there is no guarantee that its website, as well as any information and / or service contained therein, will be provided without interruption and / or errors. In addition, ANTISEL reserves the right to modify and / or temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of its website with and / or without notice to users, as its availability may also depend on factors not within its area of responsibility. In any case, ANTISEL does not bear any responsibility in case a user cannot connect to the website www.ANTISEL.gr.

3.2. Η ANTISEL makes every effort to protect the website www.ANTISEL.gr from malware. However, it does not guarantee that its website as well as the servers through which the contents and services of the website are provided to visitors / users, do not contain viruses or other harmful components. Therefore, each user should take care of the protection of his own means of access to the website www.ANTISEL.gr with his own means (eg use of antivirus etc.) before any use of the website place www.ANTISEL.gr.


4. Προσωπικά Δεδομένα

4.1. A necessary condition for the realization of any transaction is the disclosure of personal data by the user. During the course of the procedure for placing an order, the user is asked for the name or surname of the ordering legal entity, the address, a telephone number (landline or mobile), which will be used for its best service, the his e-mail address, etc. ANTISEL, fully complying with the principles of personal data protection provided in the relevant provisions of Greek and EU law, as well as in international conventions, provides the assurance that it will not proceed with any unfair and without prior approval of the user of the online store use of his personal data. The company in no way discloses, publishes, sells or exchanges personal data and information trusted by the visitors of the website. Exceptionally, it is possible for the company to disclose personal data, in any case of the procedure provided by law, when this is required by a public authority, court, etc. Of course, the user can at any time change the personal information he has disclosed in our online store, as well as restrict or cancel the use of some of this information in the section My Account. For any issue regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the company, Mr. Christos Gialama, mail: dpo@antisel.gr

4.2. ANTISEL does not bear any responsibility towards the user / visitor of the website www.ANTISEL.gr in case of use of the personal data that the user has declared to a third natural or legal person through hyperlink to the website of this third person through the website place www.ANTISEL.gr.


5. Links to other Websites

5.1. ANTISEL has no responsibility, nor is it able to influence the content of the websites to which the links on its website refer. Problems and / or damages that may arise from the use of websites to which links of this website refer are borne exclusively by the owners of the former.


6. User Account (WebAccount) – Order registration

6.1. The website www.ANTISEL.gr provides users with the opportunity to create their own account in order to register their orders, receive newsletters, but also personalized information and be informed about all new services, news products and offers provided by ANTISEL. To create a personal account it is necessary to register users by completing the online registration form. Each user is solely responsible for the information he states, which must be true and accurate. ANTISEL in case it finds that the true details have not been declared can cancel the registration of the specific user at a later time.

6.2. Among the information that each user must declare when creating his personal account are the name or surname of the legal entity, the e-mail address (e-mail) and his telephone number. The e-mail address (e-mail) must be true and complete, personal to each user and under his full control. In the case of a legal entity, it is presumed that the natural person who created the account has the necessary power to represent the legal entity, legally given to it by the competent bodies of the legal entity.

6.3. A personal account can be created by any legal entity or natural person, who has reached the age of 18 and has full legal capacity.

6.4. When creating the personal account, each user enters the password they want. You can use your personal account using your email address and password. This information is personal to each visitor / user and should not be disclosed to any third party. Each user is solely responsible for all operations carried out using his e-mail address and password of his choice and is obliged to immediately notify ANTISEL for any unauthorized use. In any case, ANTISEL is not liable to the user for any damage.

6.5. The electronic registration of an order on the website www.ANTISEL.gr by the user of a personal account, according to the above, is an acceptance of the proposal for concluding a contract. Therefore, with the registration of the order in the final stage of the electronic process, the contract is considered concluded, with the terms and content contained in the relevant documents. Except for another special reference, following a special agreement between the parties, the amount of the order must be prepaid, ie paid in full before the order is sent.

6.6. The user has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 calendar days of receiving the order. The products must be in the condition they were received, without their packaging being unsealed, and must be accompanied by the receipt or the sales invoice. In this case the user is charged only with the cost of returning the products.

6.7. At the time of delivery the user should carefully check the products received. The non-reservation for the response of the delivered to the contract, within 10 calendar days from their receipt implies their unconditional acceptance, their response to the contract and that they do not have any real defects or lack of agreed properties. In case a defective product is found in the delivered quantities, the user reserves the right to return it with the possibility of replacement. In this case, the shipping costs of the new product or the refund are borne exclusively by ANTISEL. In case the user wishes to return the products you bought, your refund will be completed within 10 working days from the day that the online store of PN Publications. SAKKOULAS will receive the products.


7. Newsletter Subscription

7.1. The sending of ANTISEL newsletters takes place upon a relevant application (registration) of the interested parties. Deletion from the recipient list is possible at any time. Each sent newsletter contains an explicit mention of the possibility of deletion by the registered user. In any case, the details of the recipients of the newsletters, and in general the details of ANTISEL’s clientele, remain completely confidential.


8. General Terms

8.1. These Terms of Use may be modified without prior notice, therefore visitors / users should visit this website regularly, in order to be informed of any changes that occur in the Terms of Use of the website www.ANTISEL.gr.

8.2. In case the use of any service of the website www.ANTISEL.gr is governed by more specific terms, these terms are considered as a whole with these Terms of Use, however in case of conflict the more specific terms prevail.

8.3. Any invalidity of any of the Terms of Use herein does not invalidate the rest

8.4. The non-exercise by ANTISEL of its rights deriving from the present Terms of Use does not imply its resignation from these rights.

8.5. ANTISEL is not responsible for violation of these Terms due to reasons of force majeure.

8.6. All contracts concluded electronically through this website are governed by Greek law, as well as by international and EU law governing matters relating to e-commerce and distance selling. Competent courts for the resolution of any dispute arising directly or indirectly from the contracts concluded through this website are designated the courts of Athens.